Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pictures of the second floor

 Staircase leading upstairs
 Large room at the top of the landing on the second floor.  Not sure what I'm going to use this for.  Maybe my workout room with Bowflex, treadmill and bike.  If not here maybe the little room in the basement.  This could be an office but we'll see.  To the right is the door to the bathroom and the door to my room.  All the bedrooms are small by US standards.
 All the bedrooms have built in closets which is awesome because this is rare in Germany.  All my stuff easily fits in here and I still have dressers coming.
 That's a full size mattress blow up mattress to give you and idea of the size of the room.  My king bed and two dressers are going to make this room very tight.
 This will become the guest bedroom.  Two windows and large built in closet.
 I don't think I need to say who's room this is.
 Another view of the landing room with my back to the window.  My room on the left, bath then guest room and Madi's room.  Stairs going down in the middle.
 Second floor bathroom.  Two windows, two sinks, and a large bath
 Large bath
 Another view of the bathroom with me standing next to the shower.  That's me in the mirror.
Stairs going down
Biggest problem is I need to buy storage units for all the baths for towels and cleaning supplies. Once the truck gets here I'll be doing some Ikea trips.


  1. The bathroom is huge & kinda weird but I love all the light in the house.

  2. I've actually seen this type of bath in many German houses. I know it looks weird to us but pretty standard on houses newer than 10 years. Never do you see a bath for just a master suite unless it's in some 1/2 million Euro house.
