Monday, August 5, 2013

By Popular demand

Ok I've heard you're sick of seeing the places we're going and you want to see us to here is a pic of Madi laying on the floor waiting just another 2 days before our furniture gets here.  Sorry I took a stupid pic of me in the mirror and all you can see if the flash.  Since I'm not working yet I've just gone mountain man and have about a months growth of beard.  I'm going to have to do something about that soon but it is cool that I've figured out at 44 I can actually grow a beard.  For those of you waiting on news about the cat it's been a fiasco but we hope tomorrow, Tuesday will bring good news.  We thought we'd have it Sunday, then today (Monday) and now it's tomorrow.  We will update with pics and news as soon as we know something.  We miss you all.

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