Saturday, August 3, 2013


This is the largest bunker on the Maginot Line built in 1933.  It is open and much of it is operational.  The electric train that takes you around the 16 kilometer complex still works and whisks you around 40-70 meters underground.  Several of the turrets still move and are completely operational.  
Entrance to the complex
 Exterior of block house 8.  The Germans took the complex without a shot being fired but a small group of Germans held this blockhouse against elements of the 90th US Infantry division under Patton's Third Army that was taking Metz.  When the Germans wouldn't surrender 155mm howitzers were brought up and fired at point blank range into the walls until all four of the guns in the block house were silenced.  One German was killed and the rest fled into the depths of the complex and escaped out of other block houses across the 16 kilometer complex.

Weapons museum at the Hackenburg.  They had an example of every weapons used by the Germans, French, British and Americans during the Second World War.

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