Since we've started this Blog firstly I'm glad that
so many people have viewed it. It's well over 500 views so that has
motivated me to keep putting up content. This doesn't mean that I will
just post things for no reason but I noticed that the most viewed blog post
we've done so far had fewer pictures and just an explanation of what was going
on so I thought I'd try that again only this time with no photos. I don't
mind telling everyone honestly this has been far more difficult in some ways
than I ever imagined and then things that were such an ass pain when I came
here in 2006 have been a breeze. I had a 10 minute conversation on
the phone, this was the first time ever, with a German talking about purchasing
a cat for Madi, the cost, the shots, the age, when we could come and even
bartered about the final price. I wasn't perfect but he understood what I
was trying to say and even though he spoke very quickly I understood 95% of
what he said. You would think after an encounter like that for the first
time on the phone I'd feel confident but it just left me feeling shaken and
nervous. You wonder what you said wrong and what you could have said
differently. I didn't notice till I hung up that my mouth was completely
dry. I actually walked around the empty house like a runner does after a
race to walk it off.
This being said setting up my Internet was far
easier than I remember. Maybe my language helped a little here but I went
to the store they said it would work on a certain date and holy crap it worked.
In 2006 it took 5 weeks and two service calls, that you have to pay for
by the way, to get it to work and this time it took a 100 Euro modem and the
included software and bam I'm ready to go. This is actually the fastest
Internet I've ever used. We got our cell phones set up and since we
already had iPhones it was cheap and awesome.
40 Euro a month for each of us for unlimited calling in Germany, unlimited
text in Germany, unlimited data in Germany and free unlimited calling to the
states with a special code!!! This is
incredible. I spend almost $200 a month
for Madi and I for our phones in America and now I’m spending half that amount
for way better service. I do have a land
line as well in the bundle for my internet but I’m not sure if I’ll even hook
it up or buy a land line phone. As of
now I feel my cell is good enough but I may change that later.
So how do we feel?
Madi has been incredible. Nothing
has phased her until this cat thing. We
searched for and found the cat we both said, “holy cow that’s the cat”. So I had our friend Armin call initially and
set up a time to pick up the cat on Sunday.
I called 4 times Sunday and nothing.
Armin called at 1000 PM and asked how we liked the cat and I told him we
didn’t get the cat and he hung up on me and called. The woman was apologetic and said there was a
family emergency and for us to call back at 1530-1600 today, Monday. I did that and that was the call I spoke
about earlier in this post. The problem
was he said they couldn’t meet until tomorrow, Tuesday after 1800. Madi was so sad and I understood her
feelings. This is something we’ve been
waiting on for over a year and now it gets pushed off day after day. Madi has the cat bed, the cat box, the food
and the toys ready to go. All she needed
was her friend and yet she waits. I will say Madi did spend 3 hours today at School doing her Math and English placement tests and she totally rocked that. The school really looks even better than I even imagined. On Friday is the parent portion where I will get a tour and meet the principle.
We miss you too dear friend.